Virtual office / Postal address

We provide our customers with possible legal addresses in Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius, Stockholm, Prague and St. Petersburg.
The service is primarily aimed at entrepreneurs whose business activities do not require the existence of an actual office.
Your correspondence that arrives at our address will be stored for up to 6 months.
For a separate fee, we will immediately inform you by email of any mail that arrives to you, or we may scan the mail and send it to your email, or send your mail to an address designated by you on a weekly/monthly basis.

Price from 20 € per month.
*An advance payment must be made for one year.

Rent a postal address for yourself or your company in Tallinn, Riga, Helsinki, Vilnius, Stockholm, Prague or St. Petersburg.

Choose country
First and surname
Personal identification code or Date of birth
Company name
Company ID number
First and surname
Contact phone
Your email
Additional services

Your email

I would like to have all my incoming mail stored


Invoice details
Invoice recipient
Your email
Choose country
Postal code

1. Test
Test test test test.